One of the most common areas to come across pests is in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, or areas that may contain water and leaky pipes. Many pests, such as cockroaches, silverfish, ants, and centipedes, are attracted to areas with moisture. In this article, we will discuss why pests are attracted to wetter areas and what you can do to avoid them.
Like all living creatures, pests need water to survive. Moist areas usually provide a sufficient supply of water and pests can be attracted to these easily accessible areas. Many moist environments promote the growth of microorganisms such as algae, mold, or fungi, which can serve as food sources for pests. If you have any areas with improper drainage or leaks, you may experience mold and mildew. It is important to fix any type of leaking area so that your home has a less likely chance of attracting bugs and rodents, including leaky areas found outside your home.
Bathrooms can be a common place to find pests because of their attractive environment. If you notice pests like cockroaches, silverfish, or ants in your bathroom, consider using a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers can help prevent the growth of mold and dust mites and can help keep moisture out of the air. It can also be helpful and important to use your bathroom fan when taking showers to prevent the bathroom from becoming excessively moist and wet.
Bathrooms usually provide the perfect sheltered spot for pests, especially during the winter. Many bathrooms are generally warm because of running warm water or hair dryers that naturally heat the bathroom in the process of being used. This warm area can attract many insects and rodents and can invite them to establish a common breeding ground.
If you notice pests in your bathroom or near leaky pipes, it is important to address the situation correctly. If your bathroom, kitchen area, laundry room, or any other part of your home is experiencing water leaks, it is important to fix and repair these areas promptly. This will help to eliminate potential water sources that attract pests.
It is also essential to ensure proper ventilation. Using fans in bathrooms or areas that contain moisture can help reduce humidity levels and keep the area relatively dry. It can also be helpful to inspect rooms with moisture for any cracks and gaps throughout the walling or baseboards of your home. By sealing your home with materials like caulk and weatherstripping, you can help keep these areas pest-free!
If you are experiencing a pest infestation and can’t seem to find the right solution to your bug problem, call your local Insight Pest Solutions! We want the best for you and can help eliminate and prevent pests from entering your home. Call us today at (888) 414-1430 for a free quote!