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What Is A Pillbug?

Pillbugs (otherwise known as “rolie-polies”) are a type of arthropod that is commonly found in damp, dark places. They feed on decaying material and can be found under stones or logs and inside buildings. Pillbugs have been known to damage furniture, clothes, and other items left out in the open for extended periods of time by feeding on them. The most effective way to eliminate pillbugs is by using professional pest control services like Insight Pest Solutions provides today.

Pill Bug Infestation In Gardens – How To Kill Pill Bugs In Garden

If you are dealing with a pillbug infestation in your garden, it is essential to take the needed steps to exterminate them safely and effectively. Pillbugs are a common garden pest, and they can cause significant damage if left untreated.

The best way to exterminate pillbugs is to use a pesticide that is specifically designed for this purpose. Insight Pest Solutions provides safe and effective treatments for exterminating pillbugs not only inside your home but pill bug infestation in gardens.

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Treating Pillbugs In House – Pill Bug Control

The best way to treat a pill bug infestation in house is to use a pesticide specifically designed for this purpose. Be sure to read the label carefully and follow all of the instructions. It is also important to wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask when applying pesticides that kill pill bugs. The easiest and safest way to treat pillbugs using pesticides is to hire a professional pillbug extermination company such as Insight Pest Solutions.

If you are unable to or do not want to use a pesticide or want to try a DIY method before calling Insight Pest Solutions, there are other methods of pillbug control that can be effective for small infestations. One popular DIY method is to use boiling water. Boil a pot of water and pour it over the pillbugs to kill them.

Another method that can be used is to place a bowl of soapy water near the infestation. The pillbugs will then drown in the soapy water.

Finally, you can also vacuum the pillbugs up. Vacuuming them will remove them from your home, but it is important to dispose of the vacuum bag immediately afterward, as the pillbugs can survive in the vacuum cleaner bag.


Pill Bug Infestation


When dealing with a pillbug infestation, it is important to take the necessary steps to exterminate them safely and effectively. Pillbugs are a common household pest, and they can cause significant damage if left untreated.

Pillbugs can cause significant damage by feeding on furniture, clothes, and other items left out in the open for extended periods. They can also contaminate food with their fecal matter, leading to health problems in humans and animals. In extreme cases, pillbug infestations can take over an entire property, necessitating professional pest control services.

Insight Pest Solutions

Insight Pest Solutions procedures are both safe and effective. With our technicians’ extensive knowledge, we can treat homes effectively in a safe way without sacrificing quality. We are aware that no two properties are the same. Customization is exactly what you get when you choose Insight Pest Solutions. Each time our technicians come to your home, they will service your property according to your concerns and the needs found during the inspection. To ensure you are provided with the highest quality pest control services, our technicians will follow up after your initial visit to ensure that everything looks good. They will provide whatever treatment is needed to ensure that your property has continuous protection from pests year-round! For questions or to get a free quote, contact Insight Pest Solutions!

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Pests are more than just a nuisance. They can cause serious damage to your home. Don't let them take over your space- call us today for a free consultation. We'll work with you to create a plan that fits your needs, so you can rest easy knowing your home is in good hands.