Have you ever been enjoying a nice summer evening in your backyard when suddenly you spot what looks like a massive flying spider flitting around? Chances are you just met a crane fly. Crane flies are known for their unsettling appearance and are widely considered a significant nuisance in many households. Most active in the summer, they can swarm in large numbers and also can cause damage to your lawn. In this guide, you will learn how to identify them, the problems they can cause, and how to keep them away from your home.
Crane flies are often mistaken for large mosquitoes or flying spiders due to their long, slender torsos and legs. However, they cannot sting or cause harm to humans. They usually appear in light brown and can grow up to around four inches long, including their legs. Their larvae, or leatherjackets, appear as small brown worms. They burrow underground until they form a cocoon around themselves and emerge as crane flies.
Adult crane flies are one of the most harmless pests to exist. They aren’t able to carry diseases or even sting or bite you. However, their rapid reproduction and large size make them a very unsettling pest to have in or around your home. Leather jackets or crane fly larvae can cause damage to the grassroots due to their burrowing tendencies. Like many other pests, crane flies are attracted to light, so they tend to congregate around your indoor and outdoor light fixtures.
Eliminate standing water: Crane flies spawn in warm, moist environments and will go after anything from your glass of water to a rain-filled tarp in your backyard. Ensure that you don’t have any trapped or standing water in or around your home. Also, keep an eye on your garden and lawn to ensure proper drainage.
Use natural repellents: Essential oils like lavender or citronella sprayed around your garden and yard can help to repel both crane flies and many other pests lurking there. Using a diffuser in your home can also be an effective way to repel pests, including crane flies. Planting herbs like rosemary and mint can also help repel crane flies.
Reduce outdoor lighting: If you notice crane flies swarming around your outdoor lights, take some of them down. The brighter the light, the more flies will accumulate there. You could also use yellow bulbs. These are incredibly unsavory to crane flies and many other pesky pests.
Crane flies are harmless but can ruin your lawn and are unpleasant to have around. If you notice an unusual population of crane flies around your home, be sure to contact Insight Pest Solutions! Our team of experienced technicians and helpful staff is here to make sure your home stays free of any pests you may have.