Fleas and bed bugs can seem very similar as both feed on blood and are similar in size. Even though these bugs have similar physical characteristics and behaviors, properly identifying them can help you know how to best treat these bugs.
While these bugs share similarities in their physical characteristics some differences can help you identify which bug you may be dealing with. Fleas are small but contrary to bed bugs, their bodies are flat. This allows fleas to move quickly through fur or feathers as their primary host is animals. Another common distinction between these two bugs is their legs. Fleas have longer hind legs which allow them to jump. Bed bugs have short legs that are not as powerful when compared to fleas. When looking at these bugs, it can be helpful to look at pictures of each bug for reference.
Fleas usually feed on household pets like dogs and cats and prefer living in warm and humid environments. You can commonly find these bugs hidden in carpets, beds, and furniture. Bed bugs, on the other hand, primarily feed on humans. These bugs will be found wherever the people within your home sleep. Bed bugs will come out and feed at night but will hide in cracks and crevices during the day. These bugs can be found along crevices in bed mattresses, hiding in or on nightstands, or anything near a bed.
Because both these bugs feed on the blood of varying hosts, the overall health risks and concerns can be more serious. Fleas can transmit diseases like tapeworms and cause allergic reactions to animals, whereas bed bugs can cause itching, allergic reactions, and skin infections due to excessive scratching.
When it comes to treating fleas and bed bugs, it is advised to contact a professional pest control company at the start of the infestation. Bed bugs and fleas can be difficult to manage and eliminate. Many DIY solutions do not do the job properly as they lack the materials needed to kill hidden eggs. Upon noticing any fleas or bed bugs, it is important to be proactive by scheduling a flea or bed bug treatment through professionals and then thoroughly cleaning the area.
There are numerous things you can do to prevent fleas from entering your home. When it comes to treating fleas, check your animal’s fur thoroughly after taking it outside – especially when walking through densely forested areas. Fleas are incredible jumpers and can jump up to thirteen feet horizontally. Many fleas will wait on branches or leaves and wait for their perfect host to brush by. It can also be helpful to wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to keep your skin protected when walking through these areas.
To prevent bed bugs from entering your home, it is important to inspect any luggage or clothing upon traveling. Traveling on public transportation systems, sleeping in new areas, and coming in contact with new environments are some of the most common ways to get bed bugs. Another common way to get bed bugs is through second-hand items. When bringing in used clothing, furniture, or any household items, inspect the item thoroughly before bringing it inside.
In conclusion, if you are experiencing bed bugs or fleas in your home, contact your local Insight Pest Solutions for help. The best thing you can do for your home and your family is to treat these infestations immediately to help reduce the chances of their population from growing.